Many times I've been looking for information through the web in order to retrieve useful material to complete my scholastic and academic tasks but very rarely I've been checking the reliability of the sources. I'm a very lazy person and I have to admit that looking at the links Sarah put in e-tivity8 I went a little bit crazy! There were so many things to read! However I found a lot of useful tips I had never thought of before. I didn't know anything about meta search-engines like Mamma which helps you collect the returns of other search-engines, so that you can have a more complete view of what the web offers. As regards essay banks, I came across some of these material collections many times but I never dared to use them for my purposes because you never know who wrote those things and, as it is pointed out in the University of Essex site, essays banks are a "short-cut to plagiarism". I always prefer to complete these kind of tasks on my own and not thanks to someone else.
After reading "Practical steps in evaluating internet resources" I also realised that the publishing body is important. A site's affiliations and sponsors, as well as the possibility to send messages to the webmaster, are fundamental to judge the officiality of a web page. Another thing I never do is to check the authorship of a certain document: it never occurs to me to search authors' reliability with a search-engine like Altavista. So I tried to put in the name of Bruce Harley, who is the person who maintains the San Diego state university site and the first return it gave me was his personal home page where there are all the necessary information to contact him.
I think that all these tips help us not to run into bad and useless information and materials and if at the beginning they seem to be time demanding they are steps that have to be taken if we want our works to be valuable.
I think that all these tips help us not to run into bad and useless information and materials and if at the beginning they seem to be time demanding they are steps that have to be taken if we want our works to be valuable.