Before last wednesday I didn't know anything about feeds and feed aggregators. Now I think that a tool like Bloglines is very useful to keep a precise and updated list of the websites and blogs a person is most interested in. Every time I found something interesting I used to bookmark the site on my pc but when I looked at the list created in this way I couldn't see if there was any new information. Feed aggregators keep the list updated for you and in this way you know which sites are worth visiting and which ones you can pass by because you already know that there's nothing new. Then there is the possibility to create playlists, which is a very useful way to organise information because you can divide and collect different types of information. For example I have a playlist for our English course, one for online newspapers, one for blogs regarding environmental issues and one for my hobbies and passions, like cinema and TV series. I hope that I will be able to enlarge my lists in bloglines, in order to be able to get as much information as possible in a quick and easy way.
4 commenti:
Dear Giovanna, I wonder if everybody in our class shares the same impressions about feed aggregators, but I definetly think they do! We can't be but enthusiastic about such useful tools! Well, as I said on my blog I'm enjoying the Internet more and more, since I can explore new realities just by clicking a website or a blog..and in this case my satisfaction is even greater, because I can be constatly informed on what's new on the Net just by visiting my feed aggregator! As you said, what is particularly interesting in feed aggregators is that you can get information in a quick and easy way, which means that you don't need to waste time visiting hundreds of websites to find out what you are looking for, because all news is already there for you (my father would say, using a typical expression of his: "you get everything on a silver plate", that is without any effort!)..Well, I think Sarah is teaching us great things, and this is just the beginning!
See you soon!
Hi, Giovanna!
It seems we all had the same impression about feed aggregators, isn't it? Nobody knew what a feed aggregator was before our last lesson. I feel much more relaxed now, I'm not the only one who isn't good at new technologies!;-)
I was also used to bookmark my favourite sites on my computer and I thought it was the best way to visit the sites. I never thought that there could be a technology which could collect new information for me! And now that I know that a similar technology exists, I definitely want to learn to use it very well. I want to take advantage from it!
I wonder how many new technologic tools exist out there...
Hi Giovanna!
Just like you, I thought the best way to surf the Web having at hand your favourite pages was to bookmark them (and I had already added the URL of your blogs to make the check up faster!)...how naive we were!!! Since the beginning of university I've been learning that technology is undoubtedly a field of knowledge that has been continually expanding and renewing and now we have been given the chance to know it a little bit better, we can't lose this it! Although at the beginning we could have felt lost in the middle of the blosphere, now we know that we can count on useful tools such as feed aggregators (and I'm sure there are many more!) to find the way to both express our creativity and enlarge our horizons by the Web!
See you on Wednesday!
Hi Giovanna!
as I can see from the comments, we all have been astonished by the discoveries we're making during our course. We look like children that are seeing the world for the first time! I definitely agree with Marta, Martina and Elena in saying that we are learning lots of interesting things which can change our way of facing the Net, and I'm looking forward to see what is Sarah going to "reveale" to us today...
see you!
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